Video telematics

Video telematics

GLOBTRAK POLSKA SP. Z O.O. is an official distributor of BRIGADE products in POLAND.

Technologia analizy obrazu przy użyciu algorytmów sztucznej inteligencji, zadomowiła się w systemach bezpieczeństwa. Algorytmy AI (Artifical Intelligence) stosowane w elementach systemów wizyjnych, pozwalają na skuteczną detekcję uwzględniającą typ wykrywanego obiektu (człowiek/obiekt ruchomy np pojazd), jego pozycję oraz zachowanie.

KAMERY AI z automatyczną anonimizacją oraz zapisem w Systemie Komunalnym Globtrak

Technologia analizy obrazu przy użyciu algorytmów sztucznej inteligencji, zadomowiła się w systemach bezpieczeństwa. Algorytmy AI (Artifical Intelligence) stosowane w elementach systemów wizyjnych, pozwalają na skuteczną detekcję uwzględniającą typ wykrywanego obiektu (człowiek/obiekt ruchomy np pojazd), jego pozycję oraz zachowanie.

Unikalną funkcjonalnością oferowaną przez System Komunalny Globtrak jest dynamiczne i automatyczne maskowanie prywatności, która posiada funkcję anonimizacji, rozmazując twarz lub sylwetkę osób znajdujących się w kadrze lub maskując tablice rejestracyjne pojazdów, znajdujących się w przestrzeni śmieciarki z aktywnym systemem kamer AI. Co więcej, administrator w każdej chwili, może zadecydować, kiedy maska prywatności jest widoczna lub nie, również na nagraniach. Tak przygotowany System Komunalny, jest praktycznie bezobsługowy dla użytkownika i stanowi doskonałą odpowiedź na  nadchodzące zmiany prawne w obszarze GSR (General Safety Regulation).

Czym jest SELECT®360?

What is SELECT®360?

The SELECT®360 system is a set of 4 modern ultra-wide-angle cameras connected to a recording assembly.

The cameras are installed on the sides as well as on the front and rear of the vehicle. Combined and processed video from all the cameras is then sent to the driver’s panel, providing a bird’s-eye view of the vehicle. This solution creates ideal conditions for safe driving, taking into consideration other vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists. It is hard to imagine a better innovation to support the work of professional drivers of trucks, vans, and heavy machinery in such a simple way.


Protection for the driver, and an impartial witness to traffic incidents

When driving, have you ever thought about attaching cameras to your mirrors? To have a real-time overview of the vehicle’s surroundings? Imagine how much easier it would be to park or drive through a crowded city center. You have full visibility of the vehicle’s position and don’t have to worry about blind spots. The risk of a collision is significantly reduced, and if an incident does occur you have solid proof in your hands.

With GLOBTRAK, you are consciously building corporate social responsibility. Your company operates in a modern world that is evolving toward systems that support driving and increase the safety of traveling on busy roads.

How does SELECT®360 work?

A set of 4 ultra-wide-angle cameras with a viewing angle of 185°×142° is installed on the vehicle. Video from the cameras is transmitted to the electronic control unit (ECU) and then combined and rendered interference-free. The vehicle’s driver can watch the video in real time on a color LCD screen.

The digital recorder allows simultaneous recording on 8 channels. The system also features a GPS location and speed recorder. Remote access via 4G or Wi-Fi ensures fast and convenient live viewing as well as full access to the history of recordings.

With maximum data security and intuitive operation in mind, GLOBTRAK’s experts have prepared two solutions – the CLOUD and the SERVER SOLUTION. A user operating the system can, among other things, gain remote access to view all the vehicles, as well as watch and download archived recordings. Wondering which solution will ensure smooth logistics management at your company? The range of full functionalities of SELECT®360 is always closely tailored to the individual, current needs of your company.

GLOBTRAK consultants responsible for implementing SELECT®360 will explain to you:

  • how the system works,

  • how to operate it,

  • which software/applications you will need,

  • which version (Cloud/Server mode) will be the best investment in terms of security and optimization of working time / company costs.

Four cameras
Four cameras
One video
One video
7″ Color LCD display
7″ Color LCD display
No blind spots
No blind spots
4 or 6 Channel digital recorder
4 or 6 Channel digital recorder
Cameras with a viewing angle of over 180°
Cameras with a viewing angle of over 180°

What is it like to work with the SELECT®360 system?

No specialist skills are required to work with the system. Once the components of the set have been installed, all that is needed is a basic introduction to how to operate the driver’s panel.

The final bird’s-eye view of the vehicle is clear, colorful, and available in real time. Thanks to the panel’s intuitive use, the driver does not get distracted while driving. Importantly, the system can be activated remotely by the driver during a road incident. The collection of recordings can be conveniently searched by selected aspects, e.g., date, event, or motion release moment.

How can SELECT®360 be used to minimize the risk of claims?

The aftermath of road incidents is one of the greatest challenges faced by transport company owners. Even the most experienced driver is subject to fatigue, poor weather conditions, or reckless driving of other road users. Managing a fleet of vehicles requires a thorough evaluation of these risks, and investment in safety. This is where GLOBTRAK and the SELECT®360 system come in. The technology, which complies with EU safety standards (especially R46), is designed so as to find and neutralize risk factors for collisions and traffic incidents, including blind spots.


The system can use a 4-channel or 8-channel recorder. The total recording time for both devices is always customized to meet the needs of the client. With the server option, possibilities of GLOBTRAK are unlimited.

Yes, this is one of the four available recording options. You can also record at a specific time, in “alarm” mode, or after manually activating the function from the control panel.

The original material is recorded also on a built-in SD card, so the owner of the device has a copy available.

The footage has an invisible digital watermark along with the following metadata: date, time, GPS coordinates, speed, and vehicle registration/side number. Original files that have been manipulated in any way to alter the data cannot be played back.


Yes, in this case it is recommended to activate the function that starts the recording mode when movement is detected.