Public transport

Public transport

SMART technologies for public transportation

Expectations that users of public transportation have are always the same. They want to reach their destinations on time, safely, and comfortably. Meeting said expectations requires advanced management of logistics processes.

How do you ensure the perfect balance between driving safety and perfect punctuality?

GLOBTRAK is a multi-feature tool that makes it easier to smoothly manage your transport fleet or municipal transportation vehicles. The system shows the real locations of the fleet, improves punctuality, and enhances supervision of how the vehicles are used. A set of wide-angle cameras eliminates blind spots for maximum comfort when maneuvering a bus.

The dispatcher and drivers are supported by the latest technologies, while passengers receive the highest level of service.


Up to 40% fuel savings

Up to;30% less work needed from drivers and operators

Up to 20% shorter fleet journey times




KAMERY AI z automatyczną anonimizacją oraz zapisem w Systemie Globtrak

GT360 AI system 4 kamer o wysokiej rozdzielczości. Dzięki zaawansowanej sztucznej inteligencji (AI), nasze kamery 360 stopni oferują niezrównaną funkcjonalność i precyzję w rejestrowaniu wydarzeń wokół nas. System umożliwia skanowanie pełnej przestrzeni w czasie rzeczywistym, kamera AI 360 automatycznie wykrywa i identyfikuje ruch, osoby oraz obiekty, zapewniając eliminację martwych stref. GT360 AI dźwiękowo i wizualnie, ostrzega kierowcę o wykryciu osoby w przestrzeni pojazdu.

Driver identification
Fuel control
Fuel cap opening monitoring
Online vehicle tracking
Nowoczesny monitoring wizyjny w transporcie zbiorowym – poznaj SELECT®360

State-of-the-art video monitoring in public transportation – meet SELECT®360

Maximum vigilance at all times

1 system, 4 cameras, 360° coverage – this is the set that guarantees smooth vehicle maneuvering as safely as possible. 4 wide-angle cameras provide full video of the bus’s immediate surroundings. The signal from the cameras is combined in the central unit and then sent to the driver’s panel. The driver has a bird’s-eye view of the vehicle in real time. Results? No blind spots, easier parking, and more time to react in an emergency.

The most important advantage of the system is that it minimizes the risk of road incidents, especially in crowded areas with high volumes of pedestrian and cyclist traffic.


Automation of processes

Shorten any time-consuming processes. Receive all reports in one place and simplify your record-keeping – vehicle routes, working time settlements, waste collection settlements, road incidents.

Operational savings

Optimize routes, save fuel and fleet working time. The Ecodriving feature allows you to find additional operational savings.

Driver working time control

Unified reports make it easier to efficiently verify the real working time, and allow you to supervise proper vehicle use.

100% control over completion of tasks

Keep tabs on the current work status of your entire fleet. Track the routes of vehicles, monitor loading and unloading stages, analyze the status of instrumentation. Stay certain of complete control.

Successful optimization of efficiency

Skillful, automated management of your fleet allows you to increase its efficiency by 5–10%. Control your route plan and vehicle status – optimize your work schedule based on regular reports.

Fuel savings

Smart fuel management reduces fuel costs by at least 15%. The GLOBTRAK Public Transport Module makes it possible to monitor up to 4 fuel tanks per vehicle.
